Embarrassing events at Marquette

Embarrassing events at Marquette

Postby Know Nothing » Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:56 am

I found this video over at a Marquette message board. I think it is sad and embarrassing that Catholic viewpoints can longer even be discussed at a Catholic university, not to mention the silencing of free speech in academia, and the assault on academic tenure. Hopefully Marquette alumni and donors will speak out against the actions of their university.

Know Nothing
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Embarrassing events at Marquette



Re: Embarrassing events at Marquette

Postby ElDonBDon » Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:58 am

I'm not completely sold on the 'Catholic ideas can't be discussed in the classroom' angle of this story, as I believe that the teacher should have full say over what is discussed in the classroom and what is not. However, I do agree that this weakens the institution of tenure and the free speech that it is meant to protect. MU made a mistake and I guarantee there are pissed alums voicing their opinions via their checkbook.
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